About Me

Yuhan shi

Masters in Computer Science

Short bio:

I'm currently a master student at Northwestern University in Computer Science.
will be graduating in June 2023, looking for Tech jobs.


M.S. | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL | Jan 2022 - Jun 2023

  • Major: Computer Science
  • Intended Area of Research: Computer Security, Cryptography

B.S. | University of Oregon | Eugene, Oregon | Sep 2015 - Aug 2021

  • Major: Mathematics | Minor: Computer & Infomation Science | Economics
  • Dean's List: 2017, 2018, 2020

I have taken the following relevant courses during my undergrad and grad:

Math Cryptography, Modern Cryptography, Operating Systems, Computer Organization, Networking, Data Structures & Algorithms, C/C++ & Unix, Network Security, Linear Algebra, Discrete Math, Number Theory, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Web Application Development, Data Privacy

Research Experiences & Internships

Research Internship

Big Data Lab (BDL) | Baidu, Inc | Aug - Nov 2021

  • Participated in research: the combination of vertical federated learning and 1-Lipschitz neural network to improve the robustness against adversarial attacks. Comparative experiments showed that our model achieved higher accuracy than other models (MLP) while defending against PGD attacks and random noises by using MNIST/CIFAR10 datasets.
  • Managed and allocated five cloud servers used by 22 Big Data Lab members to optimize computing resource utilization.
  • Provided underlying security for Federal Computing under Baidu FedCube to guarantee data privacy during computation and transmission (i.e., implementation of Additive Homomorphic Encryption), and technical documentation for FedCube.

Research Experience

Machine Learning for Financial Engineering Research Program | Sep - Nov 2018
Research Group Leader

  • Collaborated with a team to analyze training data by displaying and plotting.
  • Trained data by implementing decision trees, constructing confusion matrix, correlation matrix
  • Analyzed data for relationships of default payment and credit card usage between different genders, age groups, degree groups, marriage information.

Cryptography Learning System

An interactive learning system for students who wants to study conventional cryptography systems

  • Designed and built a web app as a cryptographic learning system to enable users to interact with the system.
  • Provided algorithms of each cryptosystem with examples to help users comprehend cryptosystems quickly.
  • Implementation of cryptographic algorithms (RSA, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, ElGamal encryption) with Python, and applied interactive learning tools with JavaScript, which allows step-by-step instructions to facilitate users during learning.


An rudimentary version of Instagram Web Page

  • Designed and developed a simple Instagram web application with various features, including allowing the user to log in, log out, browser posts from followings, like posts, comment on posts, bookmark posts, follow from suggested users, etc.
  • Built a web page by HTML, created a REST API using Flask and PostgreSQL, that allows setting up a web server and querying from the database, and designed/built a front-end client by JavaScript that allows the user to interact with the page.